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HAMILTON Richard a:on !ory richard|k:0467 (4)



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    Author: HAMILTON (Richard)


    XFL P65a Ham HAMILTON (Richard), Ph.D. (Michigan). Epinikion: enera1 form in the Odes of Pinclar. (De Proprietatibus Litteraruxn. Series practiç, 91.) pp.125. The Hague and Paris, 1974.

    Card ID: 368

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    Author: ESSEX (Richard Hamilton)


    ESSEX (Richard Hamilton). FoQte. fllustrdions of the architectural ornaments and embellishments and painted glass of the Temple Church, London, from W.R.H. Essex, xith an account of the recent restoration of the church, by S. Srilirke. pp. (4) + 15 + (i).÷ 29 plates. 0 4 . London, 1845.

    Card ID: 234

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    Author: HAMILTON (Richard Winter)


    HAMILTON (Richard Winter). On the parties responsible for the education of the people. LONDON. [III. Mi3cellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Crosby Hall. Crosby-.Hall lectures on education. pp. 71—93. Lofldon, [1 848].

    Card ID: 373

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    Author: HAMILTON (William Richard)


    HAMILTON (William Richard). Notes on a komn villa on the coast of Naples) near the Hill of.Pausilippo...Read November 19, 1834. See LO1DON. LIII. Miscellaneous Instit.t!ion Societies, etc.) Royal Qoie_tj( Liter.ture. ransactions, etc. ‘(ol. 3. pp. 108-113.. London, 1839.

    Card ID: 471