
Search Term (count):

HAMILTON Anthony a:an walter|k:an (walter) (2)



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    Author: HAMILTON (Anthony)


    HAMILTON (Anthony), called Count. [M4moiree du Comte de Grarnmont.- English.] I4emolrs of the court of Charles the Second. By Count Graminont, with numerous additions and illustrations, as edited by Sir Walter Scott. Also: The personal history of Charles, incltg the King’s own account of his escape and preservation after the Battle of Worcester, as dictated to Pepys. And: The Boscobel Tracts; ox Contemporary narratives of His Majesty’s adventures froi the murder of his father to the Restoration [by T.Blount3, etc. (Bolrn’s Extra Volume.) pp. vi. + 546. Portrait. 80. London, 1&16.

    Card ID: 144

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    Author: No Author available


    “3- SCOTT Walter), 3rt. HAMILTON (Anthony), called Count. Meno1rs of the Court of Charles the Second. By Count Grtamont, with nurerous additions and illustrations, as edited by Sir Walter Scott, . Lndor, 184.

    Card ID: 332