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HALLAM Henry a:l henry|k:l (henry) (6)



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    Author: HALLAM (Henry)


    DEPbs,Td, HALLAM (Henry). The Constitutional history or England. Edward I to Henry Vii. By H. Hallam. (Text entire from the fourth edition.) On the English constitution. By J..L. de Lolme (Reprint of edition 182), etc. (Murray’s ReErints.) pp. (4) + vi. + 5—131 ÷ (3) + 133—3b2. 80. London 1870.

    Card ID: 472

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    Author: HALLAM (Henry)


    3: Mvcc HALLAM (Henry). The Constitutional history of England from the accession of Henry VII. to the death of George II. 2 vole. L°. London, 1827. rV1i)f Third edition. 3 vole. [-.o.) 8°. Iondon, 1832. Eighth edition. 3 vole. 8°. London, 1867.

    Card ID: 473

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    Author: HALLAM (Henry)


    DEPOSrTQRY 1 HALLAM (Henry). Introduction to the literature of’ Europe, in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries. 4 vols. [G.G.] 8°. Ipnon, 1837—39. Third edition. 3 vois. [De M.] 8°. London, 1847. A itfe f HaJ.larn is inserted at the beinnin of Vol. 1. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 474

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    Author: HALLAM (Henry)


    ‘c HALLAM (Henry). Introduction to the literature of EurGpe, etc. (ContinueCf Fourth edition. 3 vols. 8°. rc1o, 1854.

    Card ID: 475

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    Author: HALLAM (Henry)


    fDtPO5f TORY HALLAM (Henry). - 1. View of the state of Europe d1uring the 2Liddle Ages. In three volumes. By H.H. Seventh edition. 3 vols. 80. 1837. —Ninth edition. 2 vols. Q5flORi 0 8 . London, 1846. —12th. edition. 3 8°. LondQfl, iS6o —Reprint of the fourth edition, as revised and corrected. (Classic Enzijh Writers.) pp. 720. 8 . koxøon, 1868. [SEE NEXT CARDJ.

    Card ID: 476

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    Author: HALLAM (Henry)


    HALLAM (Henry). See BENNT (T.). Haflam and the Indemnity Aots, [London], 1910.

    Card ID: 478