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HALL Thomas Walter a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (12)



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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    HALL (Thomas Walter). A Descriptive catalogue of ancient charters & instruments relating to lands near Sheffield, in the counties of York, Derby, Nottingham & Lincoln. With genealogies & notes. Compiled by T.W.Hall. pp. (2) + iv. + (2) ÷ 96. Facsimiles. 8°. Sheffield, 1935.

    Card ID: 401

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    DEPOSITORY HALL (Thomas Walter). A Descriptive catalogue of chart er8 and manorial records relating to lands in Tarkers1ey, Fanshawe Gate, Dirinington & Longshaw, in the neighbourhood of Sheffield. With illustrations, genealogies & notes. Compiled by T.W.Hall. pi. 2) + iv. + 86. N. 0 8 . jej,fieiu, 197.

    Card ID: 402

  • card

    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    DEP5JTORy HALL (Thomas Walter). A Descriptive catalogue of early charters relating to lands in & near Sheffield. With illustrations, genealogies & notes. Compiled by T.W.Hall. pp. 41. 8°. 1938.

    Card ID: 403

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    DEPOSITORY HALL (Thomas Walter). Sheffield, 1297 to 1554: a catalogue of the ancient charters belonging to the Twelve Capital Burgesses & Coimnonalty of the town and parish of Sheffield, usually known as the Church Burgesses, with abstracts of all Sheffield wills proved at York prior to 154. Prepared by T.W.Hall. pp. vii. + 148. Plates and facsimile. 8°. Sheffield, 19134

    Card ID: 407

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    DEPOSITORY HALL (Thomas Walter). Sheffield, Hallarnshire. A descriptive catalogue of Sheffield manorial records... Conipiled and ä±rnotated by T.W.Hall. 3 vols. Platç,jacsimiies and plans. 8°. Sheffield, 1926-34.

    Card ID: 408

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    DEPOSITORY HALL (Thomas Walter) Sheffield and Rotherham from the 12th to the 18th century: a descriptive catalogue of miscellaneous charters and other documents relating to the districts of Sheffield and Rotherham. With abstracts of Sheffield wills proved at York from 1554 to 1560, and 315 genealogies deduced therefrom. Compiled by T.W.Hall. pp. vii. + (1) + 289 + (3). Facsimiles. 0 8 . Sheffield, 1916.

    Card ID: 409

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    DEPOSITORY HALL (Thomas Walter). South Yorkshire historical sketches: the aula in Hallam, a seneschal of Hallainshire, Tickhill Castle, Owlerton Manor in Sheffield. pp. (8) + 150. Plates, plans and facsimiles. 8°. ffield, 1931.

    Card ID: 410

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    DEPOSITORY HALL (Thomas Walter). Worsborough, Eckington and Sheffield: descriptive catalogue of the Edmunds collection, including charters, court—rolls and estreats relating to Worsborough, Stainborough & Barnsley, near Sheffield. Court—roll & parliamentary sirvey of the manor of Eckington, near Sheffield. Deed$ and wills relating to Sheffield. Cotnpiled by T.W.Hall. pp. (14) ÷ 323. Potrait and fee— siiniles. 0 8 . Shffeld, 1924.

    Card ID: 411

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    DEPOSITORY HALL (Thomas Walter). Yorkshire charters from the Lindsay collection. Translations & notes by T.W.Hall. c. (8) + 25. FacsimiTh. 0 8 . ffield, printed for private circulation, 1928.

    Card ID: 412

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    OEPOSlTO HALL (Thomas Walter). Yorkshire; a descriptive catalogue of land— charters & court-rolls from the Bosville & the Lindsay collections. Waldersheif Manor aod the Knights Hospitallers of Jerusalem. The Park, in the city of Sheffield. Anciéntcharters & instruments of Ughill, Waldersheif & Norton Lees, near Sheffield. Compiled and annotated by T.WHall. pp. (8) + 151. Plates adsrniles. 0 8 . Sheffield, 1930.

    Card ID: 413

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    HALL (Thomas Walter). SHEFFIELD. Sheffield City Ubraries. Descriptive catalogue of charters, copy court rolls and deeds, forming part of the Wheat Co1lecton at the Public Reference Library, Sheffield, also others from private collections. Y.ith abstracts of Sheffield wills proved at York from 1560 to 1566...Cornpiled by T.W.Hall. sheffield, 1920.

    Card ID: 415

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    Author: HALL (Thomas Walter)


    HALL (Thomas Walter). SHEFFIELD. Sheffield Ctty Libraries. Descriptive catalogue of the charters, rolls, deeds.. .pamphlets.. .maps and miscellaneous papers forming the Jackson collection at the Sheffield Public Reference Library. Compiled by T.?i.Hall and A.H.Thornas. $ieifieJ.c, 1914.

    Card ID: 416