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HALL Joseph a:hall john|k:to (john) (19)



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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    HALL (Joseph), successi’ely Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich. The Works of Joseph Hall, Doctor in Diuinitie, and Deane of Worcester. With a table newly added to the whole worke. pp. <4) + 1397 [or rather, 1407]. fol. Printed for Nath. Butter: London) 1625., Each of the main works and. somef the indivi.ua1 parts of the “Contemplations” have separate title— pages. Some are dated 1624 and the printers and publishers vary. There are some irregularities in the pagination, including the omission of the [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 257

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    HALL (Joseph), etc. [Continued:] The Works of Joseph Hall, etc. [Continued:] numbers 1209—30, and in the reRister; and one work, HNoahTs Dove”, is setarately paginated and sigd. Sigs. D andE have been bound after F. Imperfect; wantinR the preliminary leaves Al (a blank) and A3—5, and fourteen leaves containing the table at the end.

    Card ID: 258

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    F HALL (Joseph), successve1y Bisho of Exeter and Iiorwich. The Works of Joseph Hall, [Continued.) date&i3. The invrint of 11Noah’s dove” reads “Print& by Iohn Haviland. 134”... “Con1ationsVol 3 ha been su1ied fron “A Recollection” and the jmorintreads “Ijnprined by Felix Kyngs ton for Nathaniel Butter and WUliam But1er, 12O.” — Vol. 2 was published in 1634 aiid Vol. 3 in 1662.

    Card ID: 260

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    f HALL (Joseph), successively Bishop of Exeter and f Norwicli. The Wor1s of Joseph Hall...With a table, Vol. 1. fol. London, 1647. Bound ii_2 vols. Wanting Vols. 2-3, published 1661—62 The general titlepage is surrounded with a woodcut border. Each work has a separate tit1epage but the gination is continuous throughout.

    Card ID: 261

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    HALL (Joseph) successively Bishop of xeter and of Norwich. The Boetical works of Joseph Hall. Containing his satires. To which is prefixed the life of the author. See ANDERSOII (H.) M.D. A Complete edition of the poets’of Great Britain. Vol. II. London, 1792—1807.

    Card ID: 262

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    ‘i4-L j HALL (Joseph), successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich. Epistles. The first volvrne, containing II. decads. (The second volume, contening two decads.) 2 vols. in 1. [D.—L.L.) 0 8 . London, i608. Imperfect; wanting vol. 3, published inl6lO—11. Tj.o titleoages are each surrounded by a woodcut border. The fourth decade has an additional titlepaze, also with a woodcut border. The imprint of Vol. 1 is ‘Printed by Ft.L[ownesj for S.Macham. & E.E.gar”. and that of vol.2, Pr1nted by A.Hlatfieldl for E.Edgar & S.Machau. Cropped.

    Card ID: 264

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    Psi H17G HALL (Joseph), successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich. Christ nystical; or, the Blessed union of Christ and his members. . . (Beprinted) fran General Gor&,n’s copy, with an introduction on the theology of General Gordon by H, Carruthers Wilson, (ii Devotical Library, 2.) pp. 174. Jndon, 1893.

    Card ID: 266

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    HALL (Joseph), successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich. Heaven vpon earth and Characters of vertues and vices.. .Edited, with an introduction and notes, by R.Kirk, (Rutgers Studies in Eflh: 6.) pp. xiii. + 214. Portrait and facsimile titlepages. O New Brunswick, N.J., 1948.

    Card ID: 267

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    HALL (Joseph), successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich. teditations and vowes, . (ntinued.j Wanting A1—2? The leaf following the_titlepage is signcd A4. The lower margin of the titlepage been cutaway.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    Cb HALL (Joseph), successively Bishop of Yxeter anã. f.Norwich. [ldundus alter et ictem,-Latjn.J Mvndvs alter et idem; siue, Terra Australis ante hac semper incognita longis itineribus peregrini acadenaiOi nuperririe lustrata. Auth. ercurio Britannico. Frankfort-on-.Iain [London, 1605?] —[Another edition.] anover, 1607. See MERCURIUS, Britanjçj, pseud. £i.e. J.HALL.)

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    HALL (Joseph), succesive1yBishop of Exeter and of Norwich, ‘[Mundus Iter ct idem.-Eñglish.) The Discovery of a new wor1d or, a Description of the South Indies, hetherto vnknowne. By an English Mercury. [Translated by J,H. i.e. John He8.ley, from the Latin original “Mundus alter et ideni” published under the pseudonym, Mercurius Britarmicus. A satire.] - [London, i6og]. See )!ERCURIu3, Britannicus,pseud. (i.e. J.H.ALL, successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwichi.

    Card ID: 274

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    Author: HALL (Joseph)


    HALL (Joseph), successively Bishop of Exeter and of Norwich. [Mundus alter et idein.— Appendix.] See PTHERICK (E. A.) Mundus alter et idem [ of the authorship nd translations of the ‘iork. ] [London, 1896).

    Card ID: 277