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HALL, Hubert
Author: HALL (Hubert)
- 1 HALL (Hubert). The Antiquittês a the curiosities of the Exchequer...With illustrations by R. Nevill and preface by the Rt. Hon. Sir J.Lubbock. [With a bibliography. (AntiMay Lib.) pp. xvi. + (2) + 230. Plan. 8? 1898.
Card ID: 194
CC 2 HALL (Hubert). A Formula book of English official historical documents...Edited by H. Hall. 2 parts. 8°. Cambridg, 1908—09. 1. Diplomatic documents. 2. Ministerial and judicial retords. [Another copy.] C ‘ —IcE\ ‘‘-C. V
Card ID: 197
Rc< HALL (Hubert). See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) ymrodorion Society. Welsh records...By R. A. Roberts, and a note on the Cymmrodorion Record series. :3 H. Hall, etc. London, 1917.
Card ID: 201
ii C L HALL (Hubert). LONDON. LIII.) Rova1Jistôriäl Sociey. Camden series. 13. The Camden niscellany. Volume the eleventh, containing. . .The Commonwealth ctarter of the city of Salisbury, (12> September, 1656, edited. .‘by H.Eall. Londo 1907.
Card ID: 202
HALL (Hubert). Q. MOORE (M. F.) Two select bibliographies of mediaeval historieal study...With a preface by H.. Hall...and a description of the Mediaeval Historical Classes at the London School of Economics. London, 1912.
Card ID: 207
HALL (Hubert). ROUND (J.H) The Bed Book of the Exöhequer. (Mr. Round bOgs the favour of a perusal of the following statement of facts.) [An item in the cbntroversy between Round and Hubert Hall concerning the latter’s edition of the Red Book of the Excheciuer.1 (Coicheater printed, t899.]
Card ID: 208