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HALL Harry Reginald Holland a:e r|k:e (or) (6)



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    Author: HALL (Harry Reginald Holland)


    f LJC UR HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). Al ‘Ubaid: a report of the woric carried out at Al ‘Ubaid. for the British Museum in 1919 and. for the Joint Expedition in 1922—23. By H. R. Hall, etc. [London, Oxford printed,] 1927. See LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions Societies, etc.] British Museum. Joint edition Tthe British Museum of the Museim of the University of Pesynia tesopotamia. Ur excavations. No. 1.

    Card ID: 165

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    Author: HALL (Harry Reginald Holland)


    HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). L The Ancient history of the Near East, from the earliest times to the battle of Salamis...Third and revised edition. pp. xxiii. + 602. Portraits, plates, maps, plans and tables. 80 London, 1916. —.-Eighth edition, revised [by C.J.Gadd.J pp. xxxiv. + 620. Portraits. plates, maps, plans and tab1. 8°. London, 1932. (‘7L.rA oJy (Eleventh edition, reprinted.) pp. xxxiv. + 620. Portraits,. plates, maps, plans and tables. 8°. Lj1dQn, 1960.

    Card ID: 166

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    Author: HALL (Harry Reginald Holland)


    HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). Catalogue o E’ptian searabs, eto., in the British Museum. By H. R. Hall. Londofl, 1913. See LONDON. CIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] British Museum. rtment o yptian and A sriaie. ii Fl

    Card ID: 168

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    Author: HALL (Harry Reginald Holland)


    HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). BIBLE. Appendix. Miscellaneous. Helps to the study of the Bible. Second edition, (Bible illustrations.. .selected and described by H.R.H.Hall, S.Smith and S.R.fC.Glanville.) Ipndon, [1931j.

    Card ID: 172

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    Author: HALL (Harry Reginald Holland)


    HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). See KING (Leonard w.) and HALL (H.R.,a.) Egypt and Western Asia in the light of recent discoveries, London and Brighton, 1907.

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: HALL (Harry Reginald Holland)


    HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions Societies, Eun,—fre’ Egypt Exploration society. fitemoirs.J . The Cemeteries of Abydos. Part I. 1909—1910. The mixed cemetery and Umm el-Ga’ab. By E.Naville. With chapters by T.E.Peet, H.R.Hall and K. Haddon. London, 1914.

    Card ID: 177