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HALL Harry Reginald Holland a:e harry|k:is (harry) (6)
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HALL, Harry Reginald Holland
Author: HALL (Harry Reginald Holland)
f LJC UR HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). Al ‘Ubaid: a report of the woric carried out at Al ‘Ubaid. for the British Museum in 1919 and. for the Joint Expedition in 1922—23. By H. R. Hall, etc. [London, Oxford printed,] 1927. See LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions Societies, etc.] British Museum. Joint edition Tthe British Museum of the Museim of the University of Pesynia tesopotamia. Ur excavations. No. 1.
Card ID: 165
HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). L The Ancient history of the Near East, from the earliest times to the battle of Salamis...Third and revised edition. pp. xxiii. + 602. Portraits, plates, maps, plans and tables. 80 London, 1916. —.-Eighth edition, revised [by C.J.Gadd.J pp. xxxiv. + 620. Portraits. plates, maps, plans and tab1. 8°. London, 1932. (‘7L.rA oJy (Eleventh edition, reprinted.) pp. xxxiv. + 620. Portraits,. plates, maps, plans and tables. 8°. Lj1dQn, 1960.
Card ID: 166
HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). Catalogue o E’ptian searabs, eto., in the British Museum. By H. R. Hall. Londofl, 1913. See LONDON. CIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] British Museum. rtment o yptian and A sriaie. ii Fl
Card ID: 168
HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). BIBLE. Appendix. Miscellaneous. Helps to the study of the Bible. Second edition, (Bible illustrations.. .selected and described by H.R.H.Hall, S.Smith and S.R.fC.Glanville.) Ipndon, [1931j.
Card ID: 172
HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). See KING (Leonard w.) and HALL (H.R.,a.) Egypt and Western Asia in the light of recent discoveries, London and Brighton, 1907.
Card ID: 173
HALL (Harry Reginald Holland). LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions Societies, Eun,—fre’ Egypt Exploration society. fitemoirs.J . The Cemeteries of Abydos. Part I. 1909—1910. The mixed cemetery and Umm el-Ga’ab. By E.Naville. With chapters by T.E.Peet, H.R.Hall and K. Haddon. London, 1914.
Card ID: 177