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HALES William a:an william|k:it (william) (5)



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    Author: HALES (William)


    HALES (William), Analysis fluxionum. [Contjnued.] —[Another edition.] See 11ASEEES (F.) Scriptores ]ogarithmici etc. Vol. 5. pp. 87—204, 4!59. London, 1804.

    Card ID: 240

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    Author: HALES (William)


    Porteus Librar3 105 HALES (William), D.D. A Survey of the modern state of the Church of Rome, with additional observations on the doctrine of the Ppets supremacy, etc. pp. 226. 8°. Thib].in, 1788.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: HALES (William)


    HALES (William), D.D. SGzlorum doctrizia rationalis et experimentalis, cx Newtoni, optixnoruinque phyeioorwn soriptie, methoo elementaria congesta; ciii prèmittitur disquisitio de aere et modificationibus atmo— oph brae. pp. 151. [L.I.] 4°. London, 17T8.

    Card ID: 243

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    Author: No Author available


    Lb-L..L] ICC S., W., Gentleman. A Compendious or brief e examination of certayne oriinary complaints of diuers of our country men in these oux’ dayes... By W. S., Gentleman. [By William Stafford, or John Hales?] ff. (4) + 55. [D..—L.[,.J 40 Thomas Marshe, London, 1581. to William taffora,. but later has been_attriut on internal eviento John Hales Tke title is surrounded by a woodcut borcter. With MS. notes in a conporarand. With the bookplateoTCnar]s Joseph Harford. [SEE NEXT CARD]

    Card ID: 127

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    Author: No Author available


    s 1. HALES (William), DD. Analysis fluxionum, (Corrigenda et addenda.) pp. X. + 110 ÷ 15. [De M.] 0 4 . London, 1800-[04). [Another copy.] [L.I.] The Corrigenda et addenda (15 pp.) were issued at the time that vol. of Maseres’ Scriptores lorithmici, in h1ch the work was reprinted, was in the press. e the introduction to that vole.) - [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 239