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H, Louis
H, Louis Charles
Author: H (Louis)
KAU’H (Louis), Professor in the University of Bordeaux. Les Ciassiques de l’hietoire de France nu moyen age. Pub1is sous in direction de L.llalphen. 26, 29, 30. BASIN (Thomas), successively Bishop of Lisieux a.nd Archbishop of Caesarea. Histoire de louis XI. Edite et traduite par C.Samgran (et M.C.Garand). [With the Lotin text.] 3 voJ.s. 193—?2.
Card ID: 297
Author: H (Louis Charles)
BAUDOL31H (Louis Charles). Contemporary studles...Tranalated from the French by . and 0. Paul. [With a biblio— graphy.) pp. 280. 8. London, [192.] - —I
Card ID: 239