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GURNEY, Thomas
Author: GURNEY (Thomas)
GURNEY (Thomas) Genea1odst. See PHILLIMORE (w.p.w.) Phillimore’s Parish Register Series. BUKINGHAM, County of. Buckinghamshire Parish Registers: marriages. Edited by W.P.W. Phillimore (T. Gurney), etc. London, 1902—23.
Card ID: 518
GURNEY (Thomas), Genealogist. See PHILLIMOR (w.P.w.) Phillimore’s Parish Register Series. RERTFORD, County of. ITertfordshire parish registers. Marriages. Edited by W.P.W. Phillimore (T.Gurney). London, 19O7—1.
Card ID: 519
C- GURNEY (Thomas), Stenographer. Brachygraphy, j. [Continued.) [Another issue.] The eighth edition. pp. (4) + 46. Portrait. 12°. [London, 1772]. The text as above save that pp.47—8 have been re—set and bound after the titlepage and the roilowing 2 pages of dedication re—set with the p.gination omitted. With the autograph signature and address of Joseph Gurney on p.10 and the letteroress address crossed through and No.873 added i1ts. With the autograph signature of W.Mavor in shorthand on the flyleaf. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 530
j) GURNEY (Thomas), S tenogpher. R-0-c. (lo, 3) Brachygraphy, etc. [Continued.] (The fifteenth edition.) Brachygraphy; or, an Easy and compendious system of shorthand. By T.Gurney, improved by J.Gurney, and now practised by W.B.Gurney. pp. 76+ 12 engraved pages. Portrait. 12°. London, 1825. A new titlepage was engraved for this edition. The plates are those of the ninth editfàn but the letteipress has been re—set. The ninth:edition preface is replaced by a new preface written for this edition by W.B.Gurney. [SEE NEXT CARD. I
Card ID: 544