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GUITLER Robert il1iam Theodore a:on robert|k:an (robert) (1)
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GUITLER, Robert iliam Theodore
Author: GUITLER (Robert il1iam Theodore)
GUITLER (Robert Il1iam Theodore). Early science in Oxford, etc. 1L vols. Plates, facsimiles, iflustra.tions and. diagrams. 8°. Oxford. printed., l923.-.45. Vols. 1 and 2 form nos. 77 and 78 of the Publications of the Oxford. Historicai Society. 1. Chemistry, mathematics, physics and surveying. 2. Astronomy. 3. The Biological sciences & the iologioal collections. 4. The Philosophical Society. 5. Chaucer and. tessaha,1]a.on the Astrolabe. 6 and. 7. The Life and. work of Robert Hooke. 8. The Cutler leture - ‘t Hooke. .9. De Corde by R.Lowe [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 370