
Search Term (count):

GUILLON Pierre a:paris pierre|k:on (pierre) (2)



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    Author: GUILLON (Pierre)


    GUILLON (Pierre). La Béotie antique. (With a bibliography.1 (Le Mon deJ1U,4jiique.) pp • 111 + xxxii plates + pp. (2). F1dmp. 80. Paris, 1948.

    Card ID: 211

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    Author: GUILLON (pierre)


    xFJ H5La Gui GUILLON (Pierre). Le ‘Bouclier d’HJracjis’ et ).‘histoire de is (hice centrale dens is periode d,e is premiere guerre sacree. [A refutation of the traditional attribution of the poem to lies iod, and a comparison with the Suite Pythiquefl (Etudes beotiennes.) (Publication des Annales de is Faculte des Lettres, Aix—en--Provence. Nouvefle Serie, No 37, 19b3.) pp. 104. Bbiiographfca1 references end folded map. 80 • Aix-en-Provence, 1963.

    Card ID: 212