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GUILLIM John a:on sir john-|k:an (sir john) (2)
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M, John
Author: GUILLIM (John)
GUILLIM (John), Rouge Cioix Pursuivant at Arms. A Display of. heraldrie, manifesting a more easie accesse to the knowledge thereof than hath beene hitherto published by any, through the benefit of method, whereinto it is now reduced by the study and industry of Iohn Guillim [or rather of J.Barcham, with the additions of J.Guillim]. The third edition, corrected and much enlarged by the author...Together with his ovine addition of explaining the terines of hawking and hunting, [Edited by R.Mab. With additions by Sir R.St.George, Clarencieux.} pp. (16) + 433 [or rather 431j. Illustrations. [D.—L.L. I [SE NT CARD.]
Card ID: 199
Author: M (John)
‘S GUIL]i±M (John), Rouge Oroix.Pureuivant at Arms. A Display of heraldry. By J. Guillim [or ‘rather J. Barchaxn,with additions by Jq Guillim]...y, The sixth edition...with large •sdditione.. with good authorities from the Ashmolean rary, Sir G, 1ackenzie, &c.,with his Tract of precedoncy...To which is added a Treatise of’ honoir, military and ç J.iogan... Likewise a supplement of scarce tracts relating to the Office of Arms...end a dictionary explaining the several terms used by heralds, in English, Latin and ftench, etc. pp.(1 + 20 + 460 + (4) + 275 + 58 + 24 ÷ (22). - raits, plates and illustrations. fol.London, 1724. The best edition of this work.
Card ID: 202