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GROSE Francis a:an francis|k:0687 (5)



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    Author: GROSE (Francis)


    : GROSE (Francis). The Antiquarian repertory: a miscellaneous assemblage of topography, history, biography, customs and manners, intended to illustrate and preserve several valuable remains of old. times. Chiefly compiled by.S.Grose, T.Astle and other...antiquaries. Illustrated with... olates. A new edition, with...additions. tEdited by E.Jeffery.] 4 vols. L.P. 4. Loridoii, 1 8o 7—09.

    Card ID: 345

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    Author: GROSE (Francis)


    GROSE (Francis). The Antiquit1ies of England and Wales. (Supple— merit.) 6 vols. Frontispieces,p1ates and maps. 40 London, 1773 — 87.

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: GROSE (Francis)


    Cc rJ GROSE (Francis). The Ant,iquities of SooUanct.. 2 vols.— pie.ces. and.. p1at1ea.. [G .G. J 4O London, .17.89—91. Witdi engraved -.t.itlepages...

    Card ID: 348

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    Author: GROSE (Francis)


    A 14’ VJr 4/ GROSE (Francis). Lexicon balàtronicum: a dictionary of buckish slang, unIversity wit and pickpocket eloquence. Compiled originally by Captain Groe and now considerably altered and enlarged with the modern changes an improvements by a membe... of the Whip club, etc. pp. viIi + (224). Folded frontispiece. 8°. London, i8ii.. Another edition of A Classic 1_DictIonary_of the Vulgar Tongue. The frontispiece, which is dated 1812, is by G.Cruikshank. The corner h.s been torn away.

    Card ID: 350

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    Author: GROSE(Francis)


    jLAR GROSE(Francis). A Treatise on ancient armour and weapons, illustrated by plates, taken from the original armour in the Tower : of London, and other arsenals, museums, and cabinets. (Supplement.) 2 parts in 1 vol. Lol. iondon, 1785. With a second engraved tit1epae dated i76.

    Card ID: 356