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GROOT Hugo de a:l t’|k:l (t) (29)



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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    4 GROOT (Hugo de). [two or More Works.] Hvgonis Grotii De ivre belli ac pacis lihr.i tres, in quibus jus natur & gentum, item juris publici prcipua explicantur. Editio nova cum annotatis auctoris, ex postrema ejus ante obitum cura mifito nunc auctior. Accesserunt & annotata in epistolam Pauli ad Philemoneni. pp. (24) + 618 + (46). 8°. Aznstrdani, 1663. 20 leaves of manuecrlpt notes have been inserted at the end of the volume.

    Card ID: 199

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    c &,— () GROOT (Hugo de). [Two or more works.) H.Grotii do jure befli ac pacis libri tres; cim annotatie awtoris nec non J.F’.Gronovii notis & J.Barbeyracii animadversionibus; oommentariis insuper...H.L.B. de Cocceii... sub titulo Grotii Illustrati antea editis; nuno...insertis quoque observationibus S.L.B. de Cocceii...Adduntur tandem, ipsius Grotii dissertatio de Man L.ibero; ac libel].us singularis de Aequitate, indmlgentis. et facilitate. (H.Grotii vita.) 5 vols. Portrait. [1.1.) 0 4 . Lausaxme, 17l-52.

    Card ID: 201

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    GROOT (Hugo de). [Apologetious eorum qui Hoi1andi... prfuerunt, Apologeticvs eorvm cvi Eo11andi Vvestfrisique & vicinis quibusdain nationibus ex legibus prfuerunt ante mutationeni qu uenit anno MDCXVIII. Scriptvs ab Hvgone Grotio, etc. pp. (12)4 529 +(1). 12°. saris, 1640.

    Card ID: 205

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    GROOT (Hugo de). [De’ iniperio summarum potestatum circa sacra.J L-i.Grotii de imperio summarum potstatum circa sacra conrnentarius postnurnus. Editio quarta... Pratreaque scolia accesserunt D.Blordel1i, cum ejusdetn tractatu de jure piebis In regimine ecciesiastico, alterque yin docti de officio iagstratus Christiani. 5 parts in 1 vol. 80 The Hague, 1661-62. Part 3 has a seoarate tjtle—paj;e, dated 1662.

    Card ID: 207

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    01 ) I Q GROOT (Hugo de). [De Jure Belli so Pscis.J Le Droit de is Guerre et de la Pai,c... Nouvelle traduction par J.Barbeyrac... Avec lee notes de l7auteur mrne, qui n’avoient point encore paru en Francois, & de nouveiles notes du traduoteur. 2 vols. Portrait. [L.I.J 40 iJnsterdarn, 1’724.

    Card ID: 210

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    C—’ •1 GROOT (Hugo de). [De Jure Belli ac Pacis. — Latin and En1ish.) -. kiugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pads libri tres, in quibus jus nature & gentium, item juris publici prcipua explicantur. Editio nova curn arinotatis auctoris, ex postreina ejus ante obitum cura multo nunc auctior. Accesserunt & annotata in episto1am Pauli ad Philemonew. (ç],assics L.Interratjona1 Laiv, 3.) 2 vols. Portrgjt, 4°. Washingon (oxford and Londo, 1915— 25. 1. Reproduction of the edition of 1646. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 211

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    s1v GROOT (Hugo de). [De Jure Belli ac Paci.—Appendix.] See REMEC (PetEr Pavel). The Position of the individual in international law, according to Grotius and ‘Iattel. With a preface by Q. Wright. The Hague, 1960.

    Card ID: 214

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    • - C’ GROOT (Hugo de). [De Jure Belli ac Pacis..pendix. ) RUTHRFORTI4 (T.) • Institutes of naturoJ. law: being the substanee of a cour5e of lectures on Grotius do Jure Belli et Paois. Canbride. 1754—58.

    Card ID: 215

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    GROOT (Hugo de). [De lure Praedae. — Latin and English.] De lure praedae commentarius. Comtenary on the law of prize and booty. Oxford and London, 1950. See WASHINGTON (COLmIBIA). Carnegie Endowment for International Law. The Classics of International Law. Edited by J.B.Scott. No. 22.

    Card ID: 216

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    L Gii GROOT (Hugo de). [])e Veritate Religionis Chr i stiane. j De veritate religionis christian. Eciitio novissitna, etc. pp. (12) + 408. 12°. sterd, 1562. With the signature of John Tillotson, Archbishop of Cterbury, 169Q—94. on t,he titlee,e, and. of Rev. Richard Coneve, grand—nephew of t,he cirinatist!i1liam Congreve, on theI’ont endpayer. pp. 2—28e mutIated, part of the texts being missini.. The corresponding leaf from another edition has been inserted. [SEE NEZT CARD.]

    Card ID: 218

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo -de)


    GROOT (Hugo -de). [De Veritate e1igion1s Christian.J Hugo Grotius Dc veritate religi-onis christi— ante, c-ui accessere Joannis Clerici secundum tertiam ejus recensionem not, et libri duo De eligenda inter ristiánoditiénte sent entia, et Contra indifferentiam religio— nun’. pp. xxiv. + 395 +(i). 12°. Oxford, 1820.

    Card ID: 221

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    Author: GROOT (Hugo de)


    GROOT (Hugo de). [De Veritate fle1igons Christian-. English. J The Truth of the Christian religion. In six books...Corrected and i]lustrated with notes by Mr. Te Clerc. To which is added a seventh book concerning this question, What Christian church vie ought to join ourselves to? By the said Mr. Le Clerc. The ninth edition, with additions. Particularly one whole book of Mr. Le Clerc’s against Indifference of what reigion a znan is of. Done into glish by J. Clarke. pp. (32) ± 352. 8°. London, 1786.

    Card ID: 223