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GRIFFITH Thomas a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (6)
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GRIFFITH, Thomas Ceiri
TAYLOR, Thomas Griffith
Author: GRIFFITH (Thomas)
• Poteu3 Y 52 GRIFFITH (Thomas),Fellow of Pembroke Coflege, Oxford. A Sermon preached before the University of Oxford... on...July the 11th 1773, c. pp. 26. 8°. Oxford and London, 1773.
Card ID: 306
Author: GRIFFITH (Thomas Ceiri)
V DPO$flORT GRIFFITH (Thomas Ceiri). See CONGRESSES. International Conference on “N’uclear Forces and the Few— Nucleon Problem”. Nuclear forces and the few—nucleon problem: proceedings of the International Conference held at the Physics Department, University College, London, on 8—11 July 1959... Edited by T.O. Griffith and E.A. Power. Oxford, 1960.
Card ID: 307
Author: TAYLOR (Thomas Griffith)
TAYLOR (Thomas Griffith). ç) xivironment arid race: a study of the evolution, migration, settlement and status of the races of man. pp. xiv. ÷ Plates and maps. 0 B . london, 1927.
Card ID: 166
TAYLOR (Thomas Griffith). Environment, race and migration: fundamentals of human distribution, with special sections on racial classification and settlement in Canada and Australia. pp. xv. + 483. Plates, maps, charts diaras and tables. 8°. Toronto, 1957.
Card ID: 167
TAYLOR (Thomas Griffith) a Possibilities of settlement in Australia, See BOViviAN (I.) Limits of land settlement, etc. pp. 19!5—227. New York, 1937.
Card ID: 169
Oasrr-’{ TAYLOR (Thomas Griffith). Joss (.L) New South Wales... By A..W.Josc,T.G.Taylor and W.G.Woolnough, etc. Je1bourne, [1912).
Card ID: 170