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SMITH, George Gregory
Author: GREGORY (George)
N° GREGORY (George). D.D. Rector of West Earn, Essex. The Econowy of nature, explained and illustrated on the principles of modern pnilosoph.y...Vith... plates. The second edition, with...aditions. 3 VO1S• 8°. London, 1789.
Card ID: 360
GREGORY (George), D.D Recor of West Ham. Essex. See OH1TTERTON cbonias) IWorks.) The Works of Thoxzs his life by G.Gregory. London, 1803. .1
Card ID: 362
Author: SMITH (George Gregory)
SMITH (George Gregory). The Days of James 1111., 1488-1513: extracts from the Royal letters, arranged and edited, by G.G. Smith. (Soottish History by Contemporary Writers.) pp. 219. Maps and illuS— rations. 0 8 . London, 1900.
Card ID: 512
1 \t (9 •--- ‘) ? ‘-“u / SMITH (George Gregory). Z’ Ob Elizabethan oritioal essays. Edited with a introduction rand noto sJ by G. G. ‘Smith. 2 volS. 8. Qxfo&, 1904. IA reprint.] 2 vols. 8°. _n.cUi 1937. [Another copy.] -
Card ID: 513
SMITH (George Gregory) Specimens of iiddle Scots. With introduction, notes, and glossary by G.G.Sniith. pp. lxxv. + (1) + 374. 8°. Edinburgh and London, 1902.
Card ID: 515
SMITH (George Gregory). The Transition period. (Periods of European itratvre, 4.) pp. xv. + 422. 8°. Edinbur and London, 1900.
Card ID: 516