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GREENE Robert a:in charles robert|k:in (charles) (6)
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GREENE, Robert
NI, Charles
No Author available
ALDI, Oratio
Author: GREENE (Robert)
Spe GREENE (Robert), the Poet. See SPERONI (Charles). The Aphorisn of Orazio Rinaldi, Robert Greene and Lucas Gracian Intisco. [wit facsimile texts of Rna1di ‘a 1)Jttrir.a delle virtu et fuga de’ vittii’, Greene s The Royal Exchange , Dantisco ‘a ‘rYs tierro d.e ignorancia’, and the anonycus ‘Le livre des quatre choses’.) 8°. Berkeley and Los Ane1es, 1968.
Card ID: 187
Author: NI (Charles)
YUD Spe SPER3NI (Charles). The Aphorisms of Orazio Rinaldi, Robert Greene and Lucas Grecian ]ntisco. tWith facsimile texts of iUr.aldi’s ‘IXfttrtia delle virt et tuga de? vittii’, Greene s ?p oya1 Exchange’, Eantisco ‘s ‘Lstierro Le ignorancie.’, and the anonymous ‘Le livre des quatre choses’.] (University of California Publications in odern ?hio1o, t3.) pp. 301. 8°. Berkeley and 1s Angeles, 1968.
Card ID: 254
Author: No Author available
Spe onacvu nn’tct (v.ces). See SPEWNI (Charles). The Aphorisms of’ Orazio Rinaldi, Robert Greene and Lucas Gracien Dairtisco. [With facsimile texts of Rinaldi ‘a ‘Dottrina deile virtu et fuga de’ vittli’, Greene ‘s ‘The Royal Ebcchange’, rentisco’s ‘Destierro de ignoraxiciat, aM the anonpnous ‘Le iivre des qtw.tre choses’.) 8°. :Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1968.
Card ID: 334
YOD Spe LIVRE. [I.e Livre des quatre choses.] See SPENI (Charles). The Aphorisnis of Orazio Rinaldi, Robert Greene and Lueas Graoian Intisco. [with fac3lmile texta of Rinaidi s ‘Dottrlria deile virtt et fga de’ vitti , reene ‘s ‘The Royal Exchange’, ntisco’s ‘tstje de ignorancia’, and the s.nonymous ‘le livre des quatre choses’.] 80. Ber1ey and Los Angeles, 1968.
Card ID: 531
Author: ALDI (Oratio)
Spe 1flfALDI (Oratio). See SPERONI (Charles). The Aphorisn of Orazic Rinaldi, Robert Greer.e and. Lucas Gracisn EntZsco. [With facsimile texts of Rinaicli ‘Dottrina defle virtu et f’ijge. de vittii’, Greene ? tse Royal Exchange , £antisco ‘s ‘Detierro de Ignorancia’, and the anonyrnous ‘I livre des quatre choses .1 8°. Berkeley and. L03 tnge1es, 1968.
Card ID: 330
BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in modern philology. CContinued.] 88. SItRONI (Charles). The Aphorisms of Orazio Rinaldi,9e Robert Greene and Lucas Grecian Dantisco. [With facsimile texts of Rinaldi’s ‘Dottrina delle virtu et fuga de’vittii’, Greene’s ‘The Royal Exchange’, Dantisco’s de ignorancia’ and the anonymous ‘La livre des quatre choses’.] l96Sç-— —I Cdc 89. GREET (Anne H.) Jacques Prevert’s tord games. 1968. 90. BERThAND (Marc). L’ Oeuvro de Jean Provost. 19682t 91. CLARKE (Dorothy C.) Allegory, Decalogue and deadly sins in ‘La Celestina’. 1968. Cc’ S?E NEXT CARD.
Card ID: 388