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GREEN George a a:it john|k:are (john) (6)
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GREEN, George
GREEN, George a
No Author available
Author: GREEN (George)
A1 Kel GREEN (George), D.So. and LlOYD (John Travers). Kelvin ‘s instrurients and the Kelvin Mseum. By G. Green and J.. Lloyd. Glasgow, 1910. See GLASGOIt. University of Glasgow. Department of turai Philosophy. Kelvin Mseiim.
Card ID: 361
Author: GREEN (George a)
/b7 7 Tko GREEN (George a), the Pinder of Wakefield. The History of George & Green, pindar of the town of Wakefield, . See THOJvIS (William John). Early English prose romances, .. Vol. 2 London, 1858. 2 %.-J 7)7 —New edition, etc. ‘ !—‘ Londox, [191’.
Card ID: 368
Author: GREEN (John)
rJ, ‘ ,,I GREEN (John) pseud. Li.e. George Henry TOWNSEND. Evans’s 1usic and Supper ooms, Covent - Garden. Odds and ends about Covent Garden and its vicinity, the sncient drama, the early English divinity and controversial plays,atc.; compiled from various sources by J. Green. AlSO, a selection of madrigals, glees, songs, ehoruses,ete., sung every evening in the above rooms. pp.60. Illustrations. • 8? LLondon, 1866?] -Per, earlier editions of this vork see EVANS (Y1. C.), Rote 1-Keeper.
Card ID: 419
Author: GILFILLAN (George)
Q5’Ji) ic GILFILLAN (George). 8 AHMSThQN3 (John), The Poetical works of rmstrong, Dyer and Green. With memoirs and critical dissertations by G.Gilfillan. urgh, 1858.
Card ID: 411
Author: No Author available
BL01 (George Henry), Victorian wortiiiès: sixteen biographies, etc. pp. viii. + 376. Port,rait,s. • 8. condo 1920. CONTAINS: Thomas Carlyle. Sir Robert Peel. Sir Charle Napier. The farl of Sha±’tesbury. -Lord Lawrence. John Bright. Charles •Diokens. Lord Tennyson. Charles Kingsley. G. F. Watts. Bishop Patt,eson. Sir Robert Morior. Lord List1er. W1l1in Norris. J. R. Green. Ceoil Rhodes.
Card ID: 258
COLUMBIA ESSAYS or MODERN WRITERS. Columbia essars on modern writers, etc. [Continued.) 23. WAIN (John Barrington). Arnold Bennett. 24. STERN (Joseph Peter). Thomas Mann. 1967. “‘ 25. STALE (George). Robert Graves. 1967. ‘‘ (s) 26. NA?MS (J .H.) Andr Breton. 1967. (ic. i) 27 1RR (Walter). Harold Pinter. 1967. -CJ 28. YOU (Ik*urd T.) Juan Rm6n Jiinnez. 1967. 29. rF (Robert S.) Henry Green. 1967. [sis sxr CARD.)
Card ID: 142