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GRBIR Sir Baithazar’ a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (1)



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    Author: GRBIR (Sir Baithazar’)


    L b,9 •! GRBIR (Sir Baithazar’), 8arond’OubLilt,. A Publique lecture on alithe lanuaes, arts, sciences, and noble exercises hicb are taught in Sr. Balthnzar3erbiers academy, eec. pp.(4)+ 19. [G.L.L.] 4°. London: prtntea for RoLer Itbttson, 1S50. Gnric’e Acadeny. which ha proposo to aodol on t?w uaeu of Chlea I.,was oponed on iPth Ju1 1845, at Bothnal Green, to 4ivo inatruotior in all verietjea of subjects, fros hlosophy, 3.anguageo, and iathesatics, to dancing, fencing, and managing a horse “to teach hir totuene and winde nibly. Lany of the leoturee were printed.

    Card ID: 399