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GRAY James a:e may|k:a (may) (9)
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GRAY, James
GRAY, James Martin
KYD, James Gray
MADJOX, James Gray
GRAY, James Oomper and CAREt, Cbaes Stokes
BERRY, Richard James Arthur arid GORDON, Ronald Gray
Author: GRAY (James)
GRAY (James), M.L4 Oxon. Svther1and and Caithness in saga-time; or, the Jaris and the Freskyns. LWith a biblio— graphy.] pp. xiii. + (2) + 191. ab1and Lolded W2.• 8°. Edinbu, 1922.
Card ID: 299
(DEPOSiTORY GRAY (James), ProesorofLn1ish at the University or_Minnesota. The University of Minnesota, 1851—1951. pp. xvii. + 609. Portraits,1ates and diarams. 0 .8 . Minneapolis and London, 1951.
Card ID: 300
ijs3 GRAY (James), Prof e s sor of i gli sh at the Univ er st y of Mipneota. BROOBECK (May). Amerian non-fiction, 1900-1950. [By] M.Brodbeck, J.Gray, W.Metzger. Chicago, 1952.
Card ID: 301
Author: GRAY (James Martin)
* zc GRAY (James Martin), Dr..-. - .. Serialism in the ‘Idylls’ [of Tennyson): songs. pp.23. Linco).n, 1974.
Card ID: 307
GRAY (James Martin), Dr. Tennysonts *I(jyUs$. cyclic imagery and syntax. pp.19. Lincoln, 1974.
Card ID: 308
Author: KYD (James Gray)
KYD (James Gray). See EDINBURGEI. Scottish History Societfy. [Publications.] Third series. 44. Scottish population statistics, including Webster’s analysis of population, 1755.- Edited by J.G.Kyd. Edinburgh, 1952.
Card ID: 272
Author: MADJOX (James Gray)
DYOSI1OY MADJOX (James Gray). TecnicaJ. as2istez1ce by re2.i.gious agencies in Latin Anerica. pp. 139. Chicago, 1956.
Card ID: 110
Author: GRAY (James Oomper) and CAREt (Cba1es Stokes)
MLAct&L) GRAY (James Oomper) and CAREt (Cba1es Stokes). The Class and t,he cesk: a manual for Sunday Sohool teachers. Old Testameit Series: Genesis to Esther. pp. (6) + 294. [II. C.] 8. London, [1891.]
Card ID: 302
Author: BERRY (Richard James Arthur) arid GORDON (Ronald Gray)
BERRY (Richard James Arthur) arid GORDON (Ronald Gray). The Mental defective: a problem in social inefficiency. pp. xi. + 196. Portraits and diagrams. 8° London 1L931.
Card ID: 576