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GRATIUS Ortwinus a:p |k:p (will) (2)
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GRATIUS, Ortwinus
Author: GRATIUS (Ortwinus)
GRATIUS (Ortwinus). Ep i st o larurn ob sour orum virorum ad Dn • M. Ortuinum Gratium volumina II... Accesserunt huic editioni, epistola B. Passavantii [i.e. T. de Béze], ad F. Lysettun. Et la Comp].ainte de P. Lyset sur is. trespae de son feunez. pp. 362. [L.I.] 12°. Loidon, 1710.
Card ID: 461
GRATIUS (Ortwinus). Epistolae obscurorum viroruni: the. Latin text with an English rendering, notes, and an historical introduction by F.G Stokes. [With a bib1iography.J pp. lxxiii. + (3) + 559 + (1). Frontisje. 8°. London, 1925.
Card ID: 462