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GRANT Peter John a:to john|k:to (john) (3)



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    Author: GRANT (Peter John)


    PR [N — Imperial] GRANT (Peter John). Nuclear reactor physics...Inaugural lecture as roessor of Nuclear Power. In: LONDON. [III.] University of London. nperial Cofl.çgç of Science and Technology. Inaugural lectures, 1966-67 and 1967—68. pp. 1—17. .kondon, 1970.

    Card ID: 246

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    Author: ANT (Sir John Peter)


    GfANT (Sir John Peter), G C .1t .G. Lieutenant Govcrwr ot Bgp1 afterwards Governor of Jimaioa. See KR (W. S. Seton).. Grant oI Rotbieimirohus: a memoir of the servioes of Sir John Peter Grent. London, 1899.

    Card ID: 203

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    Author: No Author available


    lONDON. [illi Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. Occasional papers. [Continued.] 22. CAMPBL (Bernard Grant). The Nonenclature of the Hominidae including a definitive list of named Hominid Tan. 1965. 23. BARTH (Frebrik). Models of social organization. (Reprinted.) 1970. £ ‘Ifl 24. UCKO (Peter John). Anthropomorphic figurines of ‘ predynastio Egypt and neolithic Crete, etc. 1968. 25. CHAMPION (Arthur Mortimer). The AGiryama of Kenya. Edited by 3.Kiddleton. 1967. [BEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 69