
Search Term (count):

GRAHAM Marcus William Robert de Vere a:on robert|k:an (robert) (2)



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    Author: GRAHAM (Marcus William Robert de Vere)


    EQ5ITOftY GRAHAM (Marcus William Robert De Vere). The Pteromalidae of north—western Europe (Hyrnenoptera: Cha ic idoiclea). (Bulletin of the British_Museum oinol ogy. ]pjT6) fbl. and criagrams. London, ig6g.

    Card ID: 127

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. [III.] British Museum. Natural History flepartments. Bulletin of the British Museum 4iatural History)h Eutomology. supplementis). [Continued.] 16. GRAHAM (Marcus William Robert De Vere). The D6PoiToRy Pteromalidae of north-western Europe 4llymenoptera: ChalcidoiDea). 1969. 17. WIIALLEY (Paul Ernest Sutton). The Thyrididae GQUI (Lepidoptera) of Africa and its islands: a Wkc’ taxonomic and zoogeographic study. 1971. i8. SANDS (William AlexanDer). The Soldierless termites of Africa çlsoptera: Termitidne). 1972. DePOSIToRY [SEE NflT CARD.)

    Card ID: 486