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GRAHAM David a:on george david|k:it (david) (4)
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Author: GRAHAM (David)
GRAHAM (David), of Fentrie. See KER (George). A Discouerie of the vnnatural and traiterous conspiracie of Scottish Papists...set downe, as it was confessed and subscribed by 1iaister George Ker...and Dauid Grahame, London, 1593
Card ID: 21
Author: No Author available
J.S. STAC!c3 P553G PHILLIPS (David Graham). The Deluge...With illustrations by George Gibb. pp. L182. Plates. New York, 1905.
Card ID: 512
NOTTINGHAM. University of Nottinhan. Byron Foundation LectureCs). [Continued.] 199/5O. BUTLER (Eliza M.) Goethe and Byron. [1949 1951. JAMES (David G.) Byron and Shel1ey?951. 1952. LEWIS (Cecil D.) The Grand manner. [195.) 1953. KNIGHT (George W.) Byrons dramatic prosé. El954.),.. 1956. BOUGH (Graham G.) Two exiles: Lord Byron and D.H.I,awrence. [1956.] [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 112
WRITERS AND CRITICS. Writers and critics, j. [Continued.) iw cchct H 22. WING (George). Hardy. 1963. SW C(’’13 JC? 23. JONES (Thomas H.) Dylan Thomas. 1963. cej- co 21.. LEECH (Clifford E1J.) O’Neill. 1963. CorW TlZ 25. MOODY (Anthony D.). Virginia Woolf. w’ 1963. Me 9T cci”i cfl(;t 26. FRYE (Herman NI) .S.Eliot. 1963. nii c11toO 27. JONES (David Pryce—). Graham : SEE I4EZT CARD.
Card ID: 629