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GOVAN, Thomas Payne
Author: GOVAN (Thomas Payne)
GOVAN (Thomas Payne). Bs.nking and the credit system in Georgia, 1810— 1860. A sunary of a thesis presented to... Vanderbilt University...for the degree of Doctor of Philosàphy. .1936.. .Reprinted from the Jdurnal of Southern History, Vol. IV, No. 2, MEq, 1938. pp. (3) + 164—184. 8°. Nashvi1le, 1938.
Card ID: 501
1R+ Bib GOVAN (Thomas Payne). Nicholas Biddle, nationalist and public banker, 1786—1844. IWith a bibliography.] pp. xii. + 428. Portraits and plates. 8°. Chicago, 1959.
Card ID: 502