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GOUFIEY S Edrnond Berry a:s !am1sh|k:0617 (1)
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GOUFIEY, S Edrnond Berry
Author: GOUFIEY (S Edrnond Berry)
c :- — L, - GOUFIEY (SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S Edrnond Berry). B., J. A Compleat and true narrative cf the manner of the diScovery of the PopiSh Plot to HiS MajeSty, by Mr.C.IUrkby. With a full anSwer to a late paniphiet [l’y .B ] entituled, ReflectionS uport tre .ar1 of Danby, relating to the murther of SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir Edniundberry Godfrey. In a letter to a friend. [SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Signed: J.B.) Lnd, 1679.
Card ID: 328