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GORING Charles in (charles) (3)



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    Author: GORING (Charles)


    GORING (Charles). On the inheitanoe of the diatheses of phtbisla and insanity: a statistioal study based upon the family history of 1500 orirnlnals. Tondon, 1909. See LONDON. [III. Misoel1a.eous Institutions, Societies, etc4] University of London. University College. ituent of Aiied Ststics. Lapers’ Uömpany Mesearoh Memoirs. Stud.ieB in National Deterioration, no..J

    Card ID: 507

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    Author: No Author available


    Tim (P.c.i) HANSON (Charles Goring). Trade unions: a century of privilege? Pn historical explanation of the 1971 Industrial Relations Act and the perennial issues of trade union power and law. (Institute of Economic Affairs. Occasional Paper, 3b.) pp.3l. London, 1973.

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: No Author available


    LONDON. [Xli.] Institute ofEcoornicAffirE. Cccasional papers. [Continued.] H]((’c .t: 36. JACCBY (Neil Herman) and PENNANCE (Freaerick George). The Polluters: industry or governmert? 1972. AzrCL 37. JdKES (John). Governnent and high technology. Third Wincott Kemorial Lecture delivered atthe london School of Economics and Political Science, 31 October 1972. 1972. 38. HANSoN (Charles Goring). Trade unions: a century of THt. (rc.I) privilege? An historical explanation of the 1971 Industrial Relations Act and the perennie2. issues of trade union power and law. a973. [SE iEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 290