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GOODSPEED Edgar Johnson a:johnson |k:0317 (5)



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    Author: GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson)


    GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson). Die 1testen Apo1oeten. Texte mit kurzen Einleitungen, herausgegeben von E.J. Goodepeed. pp. xi. + 380. 8°. Gbttingen, 1914.

    Card ID: 265

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    Author: GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson)


    GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson). Christianity goes to press. [On the history of the publication of Biblical texts, in manuscript and in print. Based upon the James W.Richard Lectures at the University of Virginia, 1939. With a bibliography. pp. (10) + iii. 8°. New York, 1940.

    Card ID: 266

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    Author: GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson)


    GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson). Index patristicus, sive davis Patrum apostolicorum operum. Ex editione minore Gebhardt Harnack Zahn, lectionibus editlonum niinorum Funk et Lightfoot admissis. pp. viii. + 262. 8°. Leipzig, 1907.

    Card ID: 269

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    Author: GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson)


    GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson). The Ma3dng of the English New Testaraent,. [With a bibliograp1y.1 pp. ix. + 129. 8. Ohioa, [1925.1

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson)


    GOODSPEED (Edgar Johnson). See LONDON. £iIi. Miscellaneous Institutions, Sooietes, etc.] und, pt ]cploration Society. Gra000-Roxnan Branch. J 4.23,5jb: The Tebtunis Papyri, etc. {? Volt. 2. 64, .Edited by B.I’.Grenfeil and A.S.Hunt with the assistance of E.J.Goodspeed..) London and New York l9O2.?6 I

    Card ID: 276