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GOODRICH Samuel Griswold a:l t’|k:l (t) (2)
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GOODRICH, Samuel Griswold
Author: GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold)
GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold). t .k’ictorial history of Arneric, embracing both the northern arid southern portions of the New World. pp. 27 + 4. ntjpieee, portraits,_i11ustrtions ml maps. aO. jtfoj, 1348. pry.2!ester4_!r2L4. The sepiri_ pgjftiOn.
Card ID: 248
çio L?Ltky) GOODRICH (Samuel Griswold). Tales about Asia and Africa. y Peter Parley [i.e. S.G.GoodrichJ. A new edition bronght down to the present time. Revised by T. Wilson. London, 11867?] PARLEY (Peter), pseud. [i.e. Samuel G. GOODRICH.]
Card ID: 249