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GOODENOUGH Erwin Ramsdell a:c 3 |k:c(c) (3)



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    Author: GOODENOUGH (Erwin Ramsdell)


    hc rcgA’c GOODENOUGH (Erwin Ramsdell). Jewish symbols in the Greco—Roinan period. [With bibliographies.] (Bollingen Seri 37.) Vol. 1, . Plates. fol . [New York], .1953, . In progress. 1. The Archeological evidence from Palestine. 1953. 2. The Archeological evidence from the Diaspora. 1953. 3. Illustrations. 1953. [SEE T CARD.]

    Card ID: 111

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    Author: GOODENOUGH (Erwin Ramsdell)


    kfli,- 2 fro i- GOODENOUGH (Erwin Ramsdell). Jewish symbols in the Greco—Roman period. [Continued. I 4. The Probleni of method. Symbols from Jewish cult. 1954. 5—6. F’ish, bread, and wine. 1956. 7-8 Pagan symbols in Judaism. 1958. 9-11. Symbolism in the Dura synagogue. 1964.

    Card ID: 112

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    Author: GOODENOUGH (Erwin Ramsdell)


    GOODENOUGH (Erwin Ramsdell). The Politics of Philo Judaeus: practice and theory...With a general bibliography of Philo by ILL. Goodhart and E.R. Goodenough. pp. xii. + 548. Portrajj and facsiudle. 0 8. New Haven and Iondo, 1938.

    Card ID: 113