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GOOCH George Peabody a:p •|k:p (will) (9)
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GOOCH, George Peabody
Author: GOOCH (George Peabody)
GOOCH (George Peabody). Courts and cabinets. [with bibliographies.J pp. 323. 8°. London, 1944.
Card ID: 543
17 GOOCH (George Peabody). Naria Theresa and other studies. pp. vili. + 432. portraits. 8°. LQfldOfl, 1951.
Card ID: 554
GOOCH (George Peabody). Nationalism. [With a bibliography.] (The Swarthmore Internation1 Handbooks.) pp. 12V. London and New York, 1920.
Card ID: 555
GOOCH (George Peabody). Recent revelations of European dipomacy... New impression. pp. vi. + 218. 8°. London, 1927.
Card ID: 558
I GOOCH (George Peabody). EVANS (T].omaa P. Conwell-). Foreign policy fron a back beach, 1904- 1918...With introductory notes by... 0. P. Gooch. LoncLon., 19324
Card ID: 561
GOOCH (George Peabody). GOETHE (j. w. von). [Faust?gjsh.} The First part of Goethe’s Faust. J. Shaweross. With a foreword by G. P. Gooch. London, .1934.
Card ID: 562
DEPOSITORY GOOCH (George Peabody). iiAKflS (Lucy Mary). Allegiance in church and state: the prom blern of the nonjurors in the English evolution ...flth a fo’ewor8 by G.P. Gooch. London, 1928. 1’
Card ID: 563
GOOCH (George Peabody). ee LONDON. LIII. Misce11aieous Institutions, Societies, ..} Friends of £urope. Friends of Europe publications. 17. Education under Hitler. By V.Ogiivie. With a foreword by G.P.Gooch. London, [1934).
Card ID: 564
LeL3 GOOCH (George Peabody). See PHIBRIiIA (A.F.,) Austrian foreign policy, 1908—18... With a foreword by G.P.Gooch. don, 1923.
Card ID: 566