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GOLDSMITH Oliver a:schmidt paul|k:is (paul) (53)



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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    ‘IL-67A GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. [Works.] The 1iscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith [now first uniformly collected]. Vole. 4,5, and 7. Plates. 8°. Perth, 1792. Each volume has a second, individual titlepage. rmperfect; wanting vole. 1—3 and 6. The date on the general titlepage öT vol. 4 is uiisprinted as 1712, and on that of vol. 5 asTBl2.

    Card ID: 119

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    GOLDSMITH (Oliver), he Poet. [orks. The Miscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. A new which is prefixed some account of his life and writings [by Bishop Percy]. 4 vo).s. Portrait. 80. fncion, iSoi.

    Card ID: 120

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. [Works.]The Miscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B. A new which is prefixed some account of his life arid writings. 6 vols in 3. Portrait. 12°. Londofl, 1823.

    Card ID: 122

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. [Works.) The 1orks of Oliver Goldsmith. [With the life of the author.] pp jj + 458. Portrait. 8°. Edinbwg, [s.. 1870]. The title—page is engraved.

    Card ID: 126

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    YL Gj&7E 777 GOLDSMITH (Oliver). [Smaller Collections. i.Prose and Verse.) Poems and plays...To which is prefixed the life of the author. pp.xi. ÷ 328. 8°. Dublin, 1777. A former owner of the volume has filled all the blank spaoes with MS. quotations_from poetry and prose.

    Card ID: 128

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    67E GOLDSMITH (Oliver). [Smaller Collections. i Prose and Verse.1 The Miscellaneous works of Dr. Goldsmith, containing all his essays and poems. pp. vi. ÷ 225. 12g. London, 1780.

    Card ID: 130

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    ci it GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. [Smaller Collections i. Prose and Verse.) The Poetical and dramatic works...A new edition. With an account of the life and writings of the author. 2 vole, in 1. Portrait. 8. London, 1791.

    Card ID: 132

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. [Smaller Cdl1écioxi. i. Prose and Verse.] The Vicar ol wakefield., to—gether with the poems of Over Goldsmith. A new edition. pp. (2).p 222. SO. London, 1857.

    Card ID: 135

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    Yt G67E 905 GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the ?oet. [STnaller Collections i. Prose and Verse.] The Poems and plays of Oliver Goldsmith. With introductory sketch1 biographical and critical, by Willian Tirebuck. (The Canterbury Poets.) pp. 286. London & Fefling—on—Tyne, [1905].

    Card ID: 137

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. Prose and Verse.) The Vicar o WakefIeld and The Deserf4ed villae. Edited by A. S. Collins. pp. xiriii.+ 228. 0 8 . Lonç, 1929.

    Card ID: 138

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    U 067C 8ob GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Poet. [Smafler Collections. - iii. Verse.] The Poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith with a sketch of the atthor’s life; including original anecdotes communicated by J.Evans, etc. pp.(8) + xlvi. + (2) + Li- + 100 [or rather, 102]. Portrait aM plates. 8°. [I.ondon], i8c4.

    Card ID: 144

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    Author: GOLDSMITH (Oliver)


    y3J1 GOLDSMITH (Oliver), the Ppet. [Smaller oiiections.L iii. Verse.) The Poetical works, . - see PARK (Thomas), The works of the British poets, etc. Vol. 39. London, 1815.

    Card ID: 147