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GOLDSMID Edmund iarsden goldsmid (edmund iarsden) (2)
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GOLDSMID, Edmund iarsden
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Author: GOLDSMID (Edmund iarsden)
r fct GOLDSMID (Edmund Iarsden). Bibliotheca Curios, etc. IIDLNT (James). A New book of old ballads. Edited by J. ilaidment and revised by E. Goldsmid. pp• SV. 8°. Edinburgh, privately printedfr 1885.
Card ID: 31
Author: No Author available
Cr.-t.f .1 t (- v < .- : , GOLDSMID (Edmund Iarsden). Bibliotheca Curiosa, etc. BNOUARD Untoine Augustin). A Bibliogrphiaa1 sketch of the Aldine Press at Vcnice,fonnin a ca.talogu.e of all works issued by Aldus and his successors, from 1494 to 1597, and a list of all known forgeries or imitations. Prans1ated and &origed from A. A. Renouard’s “Axinales de l’Dnprimerie des Aides”, and revised and corrected by E. Go].dsmid. vo].s. in 1. 0 8 • Edinbursth. vrivately jrinted, 1887.
Card ID: 41