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GOLDSMID Edmund Marsden a:e un|k:on (e) (6)



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    Author: GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden)


    GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). i Collectanea Adamanta. 11. A True narration of that horrible conspiracy against King James and the whole Parliament of England, called the Gunpowder Treason. Written in Latine’by J.A.Thuanus .Faithfully rendred. into English. . .1674. pp. 64. 8°. Ediiiburgh, privately printed, 1885. Boun4. in a vumleered: A Letter to the Royal Society, etc.

    Card ID: 58

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    Author: GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden)


    GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). Collectanea Adarnanta. 15. Un-natural history; or, Myths of ancient science...iIow first translated from the Latin [of G.C. Kirchmaier, H. Grübe and I. Schoock] and edited, with notes and illustrations, by E. Goldamid. L L. L.P. 8°. Edinburgh, privately printed, 1886.

    Card ID: 62

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    Author: GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden)


    7 CI GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). Collectanea Adaiuanta. i6. The Works of’ Anacreon and Sap.pho, done from the Greek by several hands. Also, Bion’s idyllium upon the death of Adonis, by the Earl of Winoheisea...1713. Edited by E. Goldsmid. pp. 63 + (1). L.P. 8°. Ediribtngh, privately printed, i886. Bounn a volume lettered: A ilistoryof

    Card ID: 63

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    Author: GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden)


    7ScH9 I GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). C0U.ectarea Adaniontaa. 20(a). The ?ield of Bloud; or, Rebellion blazoned in all Its colours...1681. pp. 36. L.P. 8°. Edinburgh, privately printed, 1887. Bound in a volume lettered: Memoirs of Robert Dud1ey etc.

    Card ID: 68

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    Author: GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden)


    3c2( GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). Collectanea Adamanta. 21(a). A Charitable remonstrance, addressed to the wives and maidens of France, touching their dissolute. adornments, together with two curious elegies. Translated from the French of F.A.E.M. [i.e. Frère Antoine Estienne Mineur] by W. Rooke. Printed at Paris in 1585. pp. 56. L.?. 8°. Edinburgh, privately printed, 1887. Bound in avolume lettered: A History of AmuietsL etc..

    Card ID: 70

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    Author: GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden)


    - ,zI GOLDSMID (Edmund Marsden). IL Coflectanea Adamanta. 22. Pathomachia; or, the Battell of affections, shadowed by a faigned siedge of the clUe Pathopolis. . .1630. pp. 52. 8°. Ediñburh, privately printed, 1887. Bonmi in a volume lettered: A History of Amu1es, etc.

    Card ID: 71