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GOH COWIJIA a:e or|k:on (e) (1)



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    Author: GOH (COWIJIA)


    NASRIi1GOH (COWIJIA). Carnegie i2ndovt,ent for International peace1Jivision of International U8+°fl International adjudications ancient and modern, history and documents together with mediatori4l reports, advisory opinions, and the decisions of domestic commissions, on international claims. Edited by J.B.1Ioore. Ancient Series. 2. Bienne-Beppet arbitration , relating to disputes between the town of Bienne Biel) an. the town clerk, john Seriant, and Benedict .Beppet l49l—lO4. By E. Usteri. [With a bibliography.J pp. xliv. + bB?. FaoMrni1F. o 8 . Zew York, 1936.

    Card ID: 70