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GOGUEL Maurice on (maurice) (3)
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GOGUEL, Maurice
GOGTJEL, Maurice
WYON, Olive
Author: GOGUEL (Maurice)
GOGUEL (Maurice). The Life of Jesus...Translated [from the Prenchj by O.Wyon. (Third impression.) [With bibliographical notes.] pp.591. 8. London, 1958.
Card ID: 118
Author: GOGTJEL (Maurice)
GOGTJEL (Maurice).. - - Aux sources de la tradition chr4tienne: m4langes offerts a )Jaurice Goguel a l’occasion-de son soixante—dixiène anniversaire. (Bib1iothge Théologigue.) pp. xvi. + 280. Portrait. 8°. Neuchâtel and Paris, 1950.
Card ID: 117
Author: WYON (Olive)
WYON (Olive). GOGUEL (Maurice). The Life or Jesus...Translated by O.Wyon. (Third impression.) London, 1958. PNc
Card ID: 292