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GODWIN William a:i william|k:it (william) (15)



  • card

    Author: GODWIN (William)


    Y14 G63F 967 GODWIN (William), the Elder. (Letters.] Godwin & Nary: letters of William Godvin and ry Wolistonecraft. Edited by R.M.Wardle. pp. viii. + 125. portraits and illustration. 80. Lawrence, Kansas, and London, 1967.

    Card ID: 519

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    GODWIN (William), the Elder. Caleb Williams. pp. xx. + 452. 0 8 . London, 1831. The titlepage is engraved.

    Card ID: 520

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    YM G63G GODWIN (William), -the Elder. The Er4uirer: reflections on education, nnners and literature in a series of essays. [Facsimile of the edition of] 1797. (ReprInts of Economic Classics.) pp. 48:L. Nev York, 1965.

    Card ID: 522

  • card

    Author: GODWIN (William)


    ?- C i ) ç GODWIN (William), the Elder. Essay on sepulchres; or, a Proposal for erecting some memorial of the illustrious dead in all ages on the spot where their’ remains have been interred. pp. xii. + ii6. Frontispiece. 12°. London, 1809.

    Card ID: 525

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    GODWIN (William), the Elder. Fleetwood; or, the New man of feeling. 3 vols. 12°. Ldon, 1805.

    Card ID: 527

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    DEPOSITORy GODWIN (William), the Elder. ., History of the Commonwealth f England, from its commencement to the restoration of Charles the Second. 4 vols. 8°. London, 1824—28.

    Card ID: 529

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    GODWIN (William), eE1de. Life of Geoffrey Chaucer...including memoirs oI’...John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. With sketches of the manners, opinions, arts and literature of England in the fourteenth century. 2 vols. praits. 40 London, i803.

    Card ID: 532

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    •icow OHY GODWIN (William), Elder. - - Lives of Edward and John Philips, nephews and pupils of Milton, including various particulars of the literary and political historyof their times...To which are added, I. Collections for’ the life of Milton, by J.Aubrey, printed from the manuscript copy in the Ashniolean Museum at Oxford. II. The life of Milton, by E.PhiJ.ips, printed...1694. pp. xv. + 410. Portraits. 4°. London, 1815.

    Card ID: 533

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    GODWIN (William), the Elder. Lives of the necromancers, etc. IA review, from the Edinburgh Review, Vol. XL, No. exxi.1 pp. 37—54. 80. Edinburgh and London, 18341. Catalogued from the caption.

    Card ID: 534

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    Vi\i GODWIN (William), the Elder. Mandeville: a tale of the seventeenth century in England, etc. 3 vole. 8. Edinburgh, 1817.

    Card ID: 535

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    : GODWIN (William), the Elder.. Memoirs of Mary Wolistonecraft. Written by W.Godwin arid edited with a preface, a supplement chronologically arranged and containing hitherto unpublished or uncollected material and a bibliographical note by W.C.Durant. pp. xlvi. + 351 .+ (1).. Portrait and plates. 80. London and New York, 1927. One of 700 copies printed.

    Card ID: 537

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    Author: GODWIN (William)


    GODWIN (William), Jc BROViIN (Fod’Keeler). {Syv The Life of William Godwin, etc. London azid New York, 1926.

    Card ID: 540