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GODWIN Francis a:j e|k:e (or) (3)
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GODWIN, Francis
Author: GODWIN (Francis)
,#cLf- - c CQtL • GODWIN (Francis), successively Bihi of Liandaff and of Hereforc. A Catalogue of the bishops of England since the first planting of Christian religion in this island, together with a briefe history of their lives and memorable actions, so-nre as can be gathered out of antiquity. pp.(8) + 547. 4. George Bishoo: I&dQn, i6oi
Card ID: 473
GODWIN (Francis), successively Bishop. of Llandaff and of Hereford. [The Man in the Moon. — Frcnc] L’hoxwne dans la lvne; ou, le Voyage chiinerique fait au monde de la Lune, nouveilernent dcouvert par D. Gonsales, ..c.. ITranslated by J. Baoin from the English of F. Godwin.] 16r e GONSALE6 CD.)
Card ID: 479
-L’ zJj GODWIN (Francis), successively Bishoo of and of Hereford. [Rerum Anglicaruxn...Annales. — ngiish Annales of England, [Continued.] [Another edition.] BACON (Francis), Viscount St.Albans. [History of he Reign of fleiElry VIII. — English. j The History of the reigns of Henry the Seventh, Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth and Queen Mary, London, i676.
Card ID: 483