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GODFREY Walter Hindes a:mills peter and oliver john|k:is (peter) (5)
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GODFREY, Walter Hindes
GODFREY, Walter Hindes nd MARCHAM, William MeBeath
Author: GODFREY (Walter Hindes)
GODFREY (Walter Hindes). At the sign of the Bull, Lewes...With an account of Thomas Paine1s residence in Lewes, by J.M. Connell. pp. xi. + 55. Portraits, facsiiles,_illustrtions And chart. 4. London, (1924).
Card ID: 352
‘I - GODFREY (Walter Hindes). See BATSFORD (H.) English mi.ual monuments And tonibstones... With an introductian by W.H. Godfrey. London, [1916].
Card ID: 358
(“[I GODFREY (Walter Hindes). MILLS (Peter) And Oliver (John), Master-mason. The Survey of bui1din sites in the City of London after the Great Fire of 1666...Reproduced in facsimile from Gujidjiall Library ms.81. Vol. 2. [Vol. 1 of the original me.] With an introduction by W.H.Godfrey. 8°. London, 1946-56.
Card ID: 362
GODFREY (Walter Hindes) And PROSSER (.W.G.) A Sketch map of London under Richard II. [Redrawn by .H. Godfrey And W.G. Prosser from the original by M.3 Honeybourne.] London, 1960. LONDON. LIII.] Londop Topograhjca1 Society. [Publications.] 93.
Card ID: 365
Author: GODFREY (Walter Hindes) nd MARCHAM (William MeBeath)
C%Q ‘- 1’“J ‘— GODFREY (Walter Hindes) nd MARCHAM (William MeBeath).. TottenhauL Court Road And neighbourhood ... By W.H.Godfrey And W.McBdlarcham. London, 1949. g LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, nd Survey Cornmittee Survey of London, . Vol. 21.
Card ID: 364