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GLANVILL Joseph a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (3)



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    Author: GLANVILL (Joseph)


    GLANVILL (Joseph). “Ballad of Greshm Colledge”. [An account of the Royal ooiety which originally held its meetings at Greeham College. Written about 1663, and attributed by the editor to Joseph GlariVill.) Reprinted from Isis, etc. Bruges, [1932). LONDON. LIII. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Greshai College.

    Card ID: 170

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    Author: GLANVILL (Joseph)


    Harry Price Librar7 3 For Reference Only - GLANVILL (Joseph). Saducismus triumphatus, [Continued.) droll, fidler to the atheist: being reflections on drollexy and atheism sent upon the occasion of the Druimner of Ted’,ork in a letter to.. ll.More.) 2 parts in 1 vol. Plates. 8°. London, 1700. The two principal parts and certain of the additions have each a separate title—page and. pagination. [SEE NEXT CRD.1

    Card ID: 177

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    Author: GLANVILL (Joseph)


    Harry Price Library F’or Rernce Only GLANVILL (Joseph). Saducismus triunphatus, . [Continued.] 4. ( L .-1nf’ 1L I?CU4 co.iA. — Fourth edition, with additiQns,. .with some aecount of Mr. Glanvil’ a life and writings. pp. 35 + (17) + 1—161 + (i6)+ 223—494. Illustration. (ki.P.L.1 80. London, 1726. In this edition the first word of the title is spelt Sadducisnius. Imperfect; wanting pp. 495-8, the frontispiece and an illustration.

    Card ID: 178