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GILBERT Milton gilbert (milton) (12)



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    Author: GILBERT (Milton)


    33TPD Oku GILBERT (Milton). See OIWN (Arthur M) Inflation: the problems it creates end the policies it recjuires. [By] Arthur H. Okun, Henry H. Fowler, Milton Gilbert. New York arid London, 1970.

    Card ID: 145

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    Author: GILBERT (Milton)


    : GILBERT (Milton). Currency depreciation and monetary policy. pp. xiii. +. 167. Tables and charts. 0 8 . Philadelphia and London, 1959.

    Card ID: 141

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    Author: GILBERT (Milton)


    ‘DEPOSITOR’ GILBERT (Milton). See INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH IN INCOME AND WEPITfl. Income and wealth. Series 3. Papers by 1.Gi1bert, SLügeto Tsuru & Kazushi Chkawa.. .and others. Edited by’ M.Gilbert. (Series 4. Papers by R.Frisch, R.Stone land others].. .Bdited by M.Giahert and R.Stone.) mbçe (an1Ionci), 1953—55.

    Card ID: 143

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    Author: GILBERT (Milton) and STONE (John ichard Nicholas)


    GILBERT (Milton) and STONE (John ichard Nicholas). Recent developments in national income and social accounting, [With a bib1iography. pp. 31. Tables. 1954. CJdIBRIDGE. UniversjtyZcf Cambridge. partment of Appliei Economics. Reprint series, 80.

    Card ID: 147

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    Author: No Author available


    TP (P.c.i) GILBERT (Milton). The Gold—dollar system: conditions of equilibrium arid the price of gold. (EssarsininternationaiFirian, 70) pp.3. - -. Princeton, N.J., 1968.

    Card ID: 142

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    Author: No Author available


    i’P (p.c.1.) GILBERT (Milton). Problems of the international monetary system. (Essays in International Finance, 53.) pp. 25. 80. Princeton, 1966.

    Card ID: 144

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    Author: No Author available


    33 TPD u.s: STACK FOWL (Henry H.) See OKUN (Arthur 14.) Inflation: the problenie it creates and the policies it requires. [By) Arthur M. Okun, Henry H. Fowler, Milton Gilbert. New York and London, 1970.

    Card ID: 100

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    Author: ACA (NEw YORK)


    IThACA (NEw YORK). Cornell Univorsity. •• Ref reace Cornell studies in English. 3 16g’ oriiy 4. GILBERT (Allan H.) A Geographical dicbnar of Milton. CA reprint of the 1909 edition.] 1968.

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: GILBT (Hilton) and DICKJS (Paul DeWitt)


    NEU Usa GILBT (Hilton) and DICKJS (Paul DeWitt). Export prices and export cartels Webb—Pomerene associations. (LBIJ Milton Gilbert (and] Paul D.Dickens and members of the staff of the Federal Trade Commission.) Washington, 191,0. See UNITED STATES OF AM2ICA. [Congress. - Temporary National Economic Committee.] Investigation of concontiaton of economic power...Monograph Io. 6.

    Card ID: 146

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    PRINCETON (UEW JERSEY’). Princeton University. Departnent of Economic.and coia1 Intitttionr. International Fiiànce Section. Essays in international fInance. [Continued.) TP (c L7 70. GILBERT (Milton). The Gold—dollar system: conditions of equilibrium and the price of gold. 1968. 71. AUBREY (Henry G.) Behind the veil of international money. 1969. TR(P) 72. LANYI (Anthony). The Case for floating exchange rates reconsidered. 1969. 73. HAUl (George N.) Toward limited exchange-rate (P ‘) flexibility. 1969, [ss NEXT CARD,]

    Card ID: 163

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    Author: UETON (iw JER$SY)


    PRI!UETON (iw JER$SY). Princeton Universi. )partrnent of Economics. oo iaLnc t ift-ticn. International Finance Sect ion. Essays in international finance. [Continued.j V tP 53. GILBERT (Milton). Problems of the international monetary C-t.) system. 1966. -nC7C.l 54. ROOSA (Robert Vincent) and HIPSOU (Fred). Reserves, reserve currencies, and vehicle currencies: an argument. 1966. Tic 35. TR]IFIN (Robert). The Balance of payments and the foreign investment position of the United States. 1966. •Ti’’ic 36. YOUNG (John P.) United Statea gold policy: the case for ‘ change. 1966.

    Card ID: 158

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    Author: No Author available


    NEEU Usa UNITE) S1’ATES OF ANERICA. [Congress. - Temporary National Economic Committee. Investigation of concentration of economic power... Monographis]. [Continued.] 4. Concentration and composition of individual incomes, 1918-1937. ([By) Adolph a. Goldenthal.) 19111. 5. Industrial wage rates, labor costs and price policies. ([By] Douglass V. Bro, Charles A. Myere, John A. Browneil, John P. Dunlop and Edwin M. Nart in. Edited by Douglass V. Brown and Edwin H. Martin. 1942. 6. Export prices and export cartels . ([By] Milton Gilbert LandJ Paul D. Dickens and members of the staff of the Federal Trade Commission1 1940. [SEE NEXT CAJD.]

    Card ID: 99