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GILBERT James a:an james|k:0847 (7)
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COOKE, James Gilbert
FRENCH, Gilbert James
GILBERT, James Henry
XON, Gilbert Edward James
WATSON, James Gilbert
Author: GILBERT (James)
GILBERT (James), ub1isher. Rêview of] Letters from the United Ste.tes of America, e.xhibit-ing the workings of democracy for the last twenty years. [BJ. Gilbert. t844. [Fron the ProspectiveReview, No. II., t843.] . 208—227. [o. G.] S0 [London, t84}.
Card ID: 87
DEPOSITORY GILBERT (James), Publisher. The Roman Catholic question: a...series of...doç,umeflts of permanent historical interest, on the re—establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in England, 1850—1. (Edited by J. Gilbert.) 214. parts in 1 vol. Portrait. 8°. London, [1851).
Card ID: 88
Author: COOKE (James Gilbert)
c COOKE (James Gilbert). The Lost village of Knaptoft. pp. (16). Illustrations. 80. [Leicester printed, 1958].
Card ID: 311
Author: FRENCH (Gilbert James)
DEPOSITORY FRENCH (Gilbert James). On the banners of the Bayeux Tapestry, and some of the earliest heraldic charges...Reprinted from the Journal of the Archo1ogica1. Association of Great Britain and Ireland, July 1857. pp. (2) + 22. Plates and illustrations. 80. T,oflciQfl, [printed for private circulation], 1857.
Card ID: 288
Author: GILBERT (James Henry)
GILBERT (James Henry). Trwe ad ourrenoy in early Oregon: a study in the ooimieroa]. and monetary history of the Paolfio Northwest. [flew_Yo3] 1907. See t1E’T YORK. Oolumbia University. StudIes in history, eoonondos arid publio law. Vol. 26. No, 1.
Card ID: 89
Author: XON (Gilbert Edward James)
DEPOSITORT NiXON (Gilbert Edward James). A Reclassification of the tribe Microgasterini . (Bulletin of the British Museum ZNatural History> • Entomology. Sxpp1ement 2.) pp • 26li. Bibliography and illustrations. 8°. London, 1965.
Card ID: 388
Author: WATSON (James Gilbert)
WATSON (James Gilbert). See BTJRKILL (I. H..) A Dictionary of the economic products of the Malay Peninsula.. .With contributions by...J’. G..Watson. London, 1935.
Card ID: 213