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GIL Alexnnder a:paul alexander|k:will (paul) (1)



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    Author: GIL (Alexnnder)


    YAR Gil GIL (Alexnnder), Head. Master of St. Paul’s Sch. Alexander Gill’s Logonomia Alica, 1619. Part 1, FacsImiles of Gill’s presentation copy in the Bodleiax Library< Z’G3CArt.>. List of transcribed words by Bror Danielsson and Arvid Ge.brielson. (Part 2 Biographical and. bibliographical introductions. Notes, by Bror Danielason and Arvid. Gabrielson. Translation by Robin C. Aiston.) (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Studies in English, 26, 27.) 2. vols. Stockholm, 1972.

    Card ID: 3