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GIBSON Edmund a:on e|k:e (or) (5)



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    Author: GIBSON (Edmund)


    GIBSON (Edmund), eucessively Bishop of Linc and of 1-ondon. A Preservative against popery, in several select discoures upon the principal heads of controversy between Protestants and Papists, . LEdited by E.Gibson, Bishop of London.] London, 1738. See POPEiU.

    Card ID: 35

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    Author: GIBSON (Edmund)


    GIBSON (Edmund), successively bishop of Lincoln and of London. Remarks upon a bill now depending in Parliament [the Quakers’ Tithe Billj...arid also Remarks upon a printed paper, entitl’d The Case of the People call’d Quakers. [ByEdriund Gibson.] See ENGLAND. Parliament. Bills. Chronological Series [1736. March 17.] A Bill to enlarge and render more effectual the laws,..for the...recovery of tythes, ——Papers relating to the Quakers’ Tythe Bill...2., etc. — London, 1736. dition.) IV., . I1ondon, 1736.

    Card ID: 36

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    Author: GIBSON (Edmund)


    GIBSON (Edmund), successively Bishop of Liçln an of London. See ENGLAND. [Church of gland.—Const1tutions and Canons. I Codex iuris ecciesiastici Anglicani... With a commentary, historical and juridical. Before it is an introductory discourse...and after it, an appendix of instruments...By E.Gibson. The second edition, revised and improved with large additions, by the author. ford, 1761.

    Card ID: 43

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    Author: GIBSON (Edmund)


    i‘‘i GIBSON (Edmund), successively Bishop of- Lincoln and of London. SPELMAN ( Henry). The English works of Sir Henry Spelinan... together wit.h his posthumous works...firsi publish’d by the. . .Bishop of Lincoln in... 1695, together with the life of the author, now revised by his lordship, London, 1723.

    Card ID: 44

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    Author: GIBSON (Edmund)


    GIBSON (Edmund), successively Bishopof Lincoln and of LondQn. SPELkiAN (j Henry). Reliqui Spelmannian. The posthumous works of Sir Henry Spelman Kt. relating to the laws and antiquities of England, e. LEdited by E.Gibson.] Oxford, 1698.

    Card ID: 45