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GHAM Harold John a:on john|k:0959 (1)



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    Author: GHAM (Harold John)


    DEPOSiTORY MASSflGHAM (Harold John). The Natural order: essays in the return to husbandry. By E. Blunden, H.J. Masaingham, B.D. Knowles, P. Mairet, P. Oyler, L.F. Easterbrook, C.I. Jones, J.E. Hosking, Lord Northbourne, 11. Grahani, R. Gardiner, A. Bell, C.H. Warren [and] the Earl of Portsmouth. Illustrated by T. Hennell. dited, with an introduction and notes, by H.J. Massingham. [with a bibliography.] pp. v. + 178. 0 8 . Lpnd, l9Li.5.

    Card ID: 11