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GG Thomas gg (thomas) (31)



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    Author: GG (Thomas)


    T33GG (Thomas). Chronology; or, the Historian’s companion; being an authentic register of events, from the earliest period to the present time, 1815; comprehending an epitome of universal history, ancient and modern, with a...list of the iaost eminent men...also an introductory essay on the prinoiple of chronology...Second edition, corrected. (Supplement.) pp.xxxvi. + 360. Frontispiece. 12°. London, 1815. Numerous newspaper cuttings have been inserted in the volume. [SEE NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 431

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    Author: SHEDDE (Thomas)


    SHEDDE (Thomas). Three essays on philosophical subjects pp. (8) + 286. [G.G.] 0 12 . London, 1866. .92j 12i

    Card ID: 497

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    Author: BROWN (Thomas)


    Yii V 1j77( BROWN (Thomas), the Younger, pseud. [i.e. Thomas UOORE.J The Fudge family in Paris. Edited by Thomas Brown the Younger...[In verse.] Third edition. pp rjjj. + i68. [G.G.] 8°. London, 1818.

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: CARLYLE (Thomas)


    C22s-y CARLYLE (Thomas). [Selections.] Passages selected from the writings of Thomas Carlyle. Vlith a biographical memoir by T. Baliantyne. pp. xii. ÷ 351. [G.G.] 0 8 . I,ondon, 1855.

    Card ID: 411

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    Author: MOORE (Thomas)


    (177 MOORE (Thomas), Memoirs, journal, and correspondence of Thomas Moore. Edited by...Lord John Russell. 8 vols. Pmtraiti. [G.G.] 8°. London, 1853—56. With c’M eiaved tjt1jage.

    Card ID: 470

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    Author: LL (Thomas)


    9Lf MORiLL (Thomas). Notes and annotations on Locke on the Human Under5tanding...corresponding in section and page with the edition of 1793. pp. iv. ÷ 125. acsiniiie. [G.G.] 8°. London, 1794.

    Card ID: 151

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    Author: JEFFERSON (Thomas)


    JEFFERSON (Thomas), esident of the Vnted State of America. Memoirs, correspondence and private papers of Thomas Jefferson, late President of the United States. Nov first published front the original manuscripts. Edited by T.J.Randolph. 4 vols. Portrait, facsimiles and tables. [G.G.) 8°. Loiidon, 1829.

    Card ID: 150

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    Author: E (Sir Thomas Charles)


    MORG,E (Sir Thomas Charles). Sketches of the philosophy of life. pp. x. + (2) + 466. [G.G.) 0 8 . London, 1819.

    Card ID: 72

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    Author: BROWN (Thomas)


    BROWN (Thomas), .D.,_Pfessor of Moral Phi1osoh in the University of Fdinburg. Inquiry into the relation of cause and effect... Fourth edition. [A republication, greatly enlarged and altered, of the ‘tObservatjons on the nature and tendency of the doctrines of hr. Hume.ttj pp, xvi. + 461. [G.G.] 8°. London, 1835.

    Card ID: 7

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    Author: FOWLE (Thomas)


    FOWLE (Thomas), Professor of Logic in the University of Oxford. The Elemente of deductive logic, designed aainly for the use of junior studentm in the universities...Third edition, corrected and revised. $Clareñdon Press Serea.) pp. xvii. + 176. [G.G.) 8°. Oxford, 1869. —— Ninth edition, corrected and revised. pp. xiii. + 8°. Oxford, 1887.

    Card ID: 176

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    Author: GRAHAM (Thomas)


    DEPOSITOftY GRAHAM (Thomas), Master of the Mint. Elements of chemistry, including the applications of the science in the arts. By T. Graham (assisted by H. Watts). Second edition, entirely revised and greatly enlarged, etc. (Library of Illustrated Standard Scientifc Works, Vols. d and 13.) 2 vols. Diagrams and EUis. [G.G.) 8°. London, 1850—58.

    Card ID: 212

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    Author: RYZOOD (Thomas)


    g H&RYZOOD (Thomas), Rev.. F.S.A. Grecian antiquities; or, An Account of the public and private life of the Greeks...To which is added, a chronology of remarkable events in the Grecian history, from the foundation of the Kingdom of the death of &lexander pp. xxxii. + 509. [G.G.] 80. =London, 1801.

    Card ID: 431