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GESELL Arnold Lucius (2)



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    Author: GESELL (Arnold Lucius)


    - GESELL (Arnold Lucius). An Atlas of Infant behavior: a systeniatie deU.neation of the forms and early growth of human behaior patterns. . .Illustrated with 3,200 action photographs. [With a bibliography.] 2 vols. 0 4 New Haven and London, 1934. 1. Normative series, in collaboration with H.Thompson [and] C.S.Amatruda. 2. Naturalistic series in collaboration with A.V. Keliher, F.L.Ilg tandi J.J.Carlson. The pagination is continuous throughout the two vols.

    Card ID: 376

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    Author: GESELL (Arnold Lucius)


    1W Ach GESELL (Arnold Lucius). The Stud,.y and guidance of infant behavior. See ACHILLES (P.S.) Psychology at work, etc. pp. 33—43. New Yorl

    Card ID: 379