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GEAVES William it (william) (2)
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GEAVES, William
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Author: GEAVES (William)
C GEAVES (William). Status Ecclesi Ga1lican or, the Ecelesiastical history of France, L8igried G.G. in the Latin preface, i.e., Gulielmus Geavés.] London, 1676. §. G., G.
Card ID: 514
Author: No Author available
çk. Status Eeclesi Gailiean or, the Ecclesiastical history of France from the first plantation of Christianity there unto this time; describing the most notable churôh—matters, the several councils holden in France, with their... canons; the most famous men, and most learned writers...a description of their universities.. an...account of the state of the reformed churches in France and the civil wars there for religion; with an exact succession of the French kings. By. the authour of the late History of the Chirch of Great .Britain jsigning himself in the Latin and glish prefaces 0.0. and W.G. respectively, i.e. Gulielmus or William Geaves.) pp. (165 + 1—228 + 1—215 + (17). 4 . 1676. - (SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 32